Tuesday 25 November 2014

Lahir Kembali

Jadikan masa lalumu sebagai pelajaran agar ketika hal yang sama menghampirimu kembali, kau tak lagi terlena dan terbuai dengan kebahagiaan yang kau sadari hanya bersifat sementara. Kau tahu apa maksudku? 

Kalau kau paham, aku tahu kau pasti pernah merasakan sakitnya jatuh dan gagal. Tak sedikit perkara yang kau hadapi tanpa ada sisi gelap yang melingkupinya. Bahkan tak jarang kau pun hilang di antara kegelapan itu. Mungkin bisa saja kau kembali dengan membawa sisi buruk perkaramu, atau mungkin kau datang dengan membawa cahaya yang baru. Kau bebas untuk memilih pilihanmu sendiri.

Begitupun dengan kehidupan percintaan antara dua insan yang tengah berbunga-bunga merajut asmara. Lalu .... akhirnya. 
Patah hati! Hancur! 

Masa kelamnya kini telah membuatnya sadar bahwa dirinya terlalu berharga untuk kembali menjalin cinta yang salah. Masa di mana kau tahu tak seharusnya kau menjadi orang paling munafik sedunia. Tapi (kalau kata orang awam bilang), cinta mengalahkan segalanya. 

Dan jika kau berpikir irasional, bahwa cinta tak butuh penjelasan, maka cepat atau lambat, luka itu akan kembali menganga. Seperti itulah yang dikatakan oleh seorang pujangga muda. Dan benar adanya. 

Kini kau kembali, membawa harapan dan cinta yang baru. Kau tak lagi peduli dengan apa yang telah merayapi kehidupanmu dulu. Sudahlah, kayu itu telah rapuh dan sulit bagimu untuk memperbaikinya. Kini tinggal kau pilih, jadikan kayu itu arang dengan membakarnya, maka kau akan dapat manfaatnya atau kau tetap menyimpannya hingga habis rayap menggerogotinya. 

Bukalah hatimu, namun tak perlu terlalu lebar karena aku takut kau kembali terlena. Kau sudah cukup dewasa untuk bisa melihat keikhlasan rasa. Maka, tak perlu terburu-buru untuk mengambil langkah karena citamu tak hanya berkutat pada satu cinta. Dan jika kau menemukan dia yang tulus dan rela memperjuangkamu, bukalah hatimu sebesar kau mencintainya. Sambutlah dia dengan senyuman hangat tanpa lagi meragu bahwa dialah akhir perjalanan cintamu.

Saturday 22 November 2014

How to Live with Autisms

As a social-human, we live in surroundings interaction area and we do communication with every different people every day. However, some of them are not able to interact as well as humans usually do. They suffer from ‘Autism Spectrum Disorder’, a complex developmental disability. In fact, that they live together in our life and they certainly will not be able to live alone without other people helps even though they actually feel that they have their own world. The main social-human who nearly live together with them are parents, sibling, and teens in school life. In addition, those who live together with them need to find ways to face and handle their behaviors. 

                A child’s autism will affect every member of the family, especially parents. Parents must place their primary focus on helping their child’s autism, which may put stress on their marriage, other children, work, and finances. Parents also have to shift much of their resources of time and money to provide treatment for their child’s autism. However, parents can help their family by informing their children about autism, understanding the challenges siblings face and helping them cope. Finding time for prayer and attending a place of worship also helps many families handle the challenges of autism.

                Having a child with autism will place some extra demands on parents as individual and the family as a whole. The prime demand is the lack of enough time to share with all their other children. The majority of brother or sister of children with autism will face some difficulties when they try to play together with their brother or sister with autism and certainly most of them will experience these issues, such as:
  • Embarrassment around peers
  • Frustration over not being able to engage a response from their brother or    sister
  • Being the target of aggressive behavior
  • Trying to make up for the deficits of their brother or sister
  • Concern regarding their parents stress and grief
Those issues can be solved by parents to help their children understand about autism and to improve the interactions among the children in the family. Here are some suggestions which can be done by parents:
  •   Explaining autism to children
Do it early and do it often! It is important that children need to understand what is autism is all about and the given-information should appropriate for their developmental age. For instance, for early childhood, they just need explanation that help them understand, do not misled them by using word like “autism” as they will not know the full meaning of it.
  •  Helping children form a relationship with their brother or sister with autism
It is usually difficult for a young child to form a satisfying relationship with brother or sister who has disorders. For example, child’s attempts to play with his or her brother are probably rebuffed by his ignoring or end abruptly because his tantrums are frightening. The good news is that children can be taught simple to get their brother or sister in playful interaction. These skills include making sure they have their brother’s attention, giving simple instructions, and praising good play.
  •  Special times
It is important to remember that other children in a family need to be special. Families are often urged to separate time for the children in their family who do not have autism. It may be one evening a week, a Saturday morning, or a few minutes at bedtime each night.
On the other hand, teen with autism may have a problem to get along with other friends. They also have expressive communication challenges, which means they enable to express what they are thinking or feeling. Some may not talk at all, but may communicate using gesture, like using communication board to spell out the words. However, they actually still need friends to share and accompany them in school life. When you willing to be friend with someone with autism, you should accept their friend’s differences, protect them from things that bothering them, join them in activities that interest them, give them extra time to answer your question or complete an activity, and help other teens learn about and accept autism.

Children with autism may have problem with receptive communications. Although they understand what is being said to them, they may have difficulties figuring out how to respond. We and they are the same, but they just have some distinctions to communicate. In brief, do not ever assume just because they do not talk that they do not understand or are not smart because everyone has their own uniqueness.
  • References :
  1. Keating-Velasco, J.L. (2007). A is for autism, F is for friend: A kid’s book on making friends with a child who has autism. Shawnee Mission, Kan.: Autism Asperger Publishing Co.
  2.  Autism Society. Autism. Available from : http://www.autism-society.org. Accessed on November 30th 2012.

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